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Become more engaged
About: The Civic Affairs Committee is in partnership with the Greater Beloit Economic Development Corporation (GBEDC) and is comprised of individuals from the community, investors, and board members from both organizations. This committee is run by co-chairs and reports to the board of directors on action items. Any actions items will need to go to both the GBCC board and GBEDC board.
Purpose: The Civic Affairs Committee is responsible for identifying and advocating business interests to local governments including city, county, and regional government entities. Committee members and staff identify issues and develop GBCC positions for Board approval and action to speak with one business voice.
The GBCC and GBEDC President/CEO are the assigned staff. The GBCC is assigned all administrative tasks for this committee.
This committee’s primary role is to maintain a strong relationship with GBCC investors who support our mission. Committee members work closely with GBCC staff, ambassadors, and board to develop and implement strategies for various programs to enhance investor satisfaction, retention, and engagement.
The Director of Investor Relations & Marketing is the assigned staff, and the Ambassador President is required to serve. The remaining members consist of volunteers representing various sectors of the business community.
The Business/Education Partnership Committee is comprised of GBCC investors and staff, Greater Beloit Economic Development (GBEDC) investors and staff, and educators (public and private sector) from throughout Greater Beloit. The duties and responsibilities of this committee are to work with educational and workforce development agencies to continue existing and develop new programs for the purpose of building a skilled and professional labor force and recommend new educational programs to meet the needs of businesses.
Events & programming include but are not limited to: mentoring students, conducting Mock Interviews, job shadowing, facilitating business tours and learning workshops, IGNITE Business Summit, and more.
This committee is run by a chair or co-chairs who are an investor of the GBCC, GBEDC, and/or educational community.
Representatives from both the GBCC and GBEDC are the assigned staff. The GBEDC is assigned all administrative tasks for this committee.
This committee reviews GBCC financial reports, assists in budget preparation, reviews audit/review results, and helps to make any other major financial decisions. This committee meets on a quarterly basis.
The chair of this committee is the GBCC board treasurer and is made up of GBCC board members and the GBCC President/CEO is the assigned staff.
This committee meets as needed and is responsible for the foundational elements of a successful Board Governance strategy including recruitment and onboarding of new Board members and maintaining a high-performance level of results from each member.
This committee will also develop and deliver any board/staff policies including but not limited to: GBCC bylaws, conflict-of-interest statement, and confidentiality statement.
This committee is typically chaired by the past chair of the GBCC board. The GBCC President/CEO is the assigned staff.
Board Members Only