Small Business

Better Business Bureau
BBB’s mission is to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust. BBB accomplishes this mission by:

  • Creating a community of trustworthy businesses
  • Setting standards for marketplace trust
  • Encouraging and supporting best practices
  • Celebrating marketplace role models, and;
  • Denouncing substandard marketplace behavior

gBETA is a program of nationally ranked startup accelerator gener8tor. gBETA is a free, seven-week accelerator for early-stage companies with local roots. Each program is capped at five teams, and requires no fees and no equity.

Located in the heart of downtown Beloit, Irontek is a collaborative and dynamic co-working space for small businesses and entrepreneurs. We offer a variety of memberships, ranging from dedicated desks to private office space.

SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to educating entrepreneurs and helping small businesses start, grow, and succeed nationwide. SCORE is a resource partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and has been mentoring small business owners for more than forty years.

Small Business Development Center | Whitewater
The SBDC, as part of a nationwide network, provides high-impact, results-based consulting and training services to business owners and entrepreneurs with up to 500 employees. In today’s economic environment, the SBDC is forging ahead to partner with new, established, growing, and forward-thinking businesses as they navigate the waters of change.

Beloit 2020
City Center will become the heart of the Rock River Valley. It is envisioned to be the cultural, social, educational, economic and civic center for the 100,000 people living within a 10-mile radius of the Beloit Visitor Center. The 700 acre area is the historic core of Beloit and South Beloit containing most of these cities’ vital institutions.

WBD Logo
WBD Inc. helps small businesses in gaining access to capital in order to grow their businesses, create jobs and build communities. Since 1981, WBD has helped fund over 2,500 businesses and created over 65,000 jobs in Wisconsin and Minnesota. WBD and the SBA 504 Loan Program help small business owners through long-term, fixed-rate financing.


Southern Wisconsin Workforce Development Board
The Southwest Wisconsin Workforce Development Board (SWWDB) is a private, non-profit corporation dedicated to promoting innovation and providing quality local workforce development programs and services to businesses and residents in Southwest Wisconsin.

Jobs in Rock County

Whether starting a new chapter in your life, embarking down a different career path, or opening up your entrepreneurial spirit, consider Rock County.

Rock County 5.0
Rock County 5.0 is a five-year public / private initiative to advance Rock County’s economic development vision through a single voice. This vision, which has been developed through various interrelated local and/or countywide plans, represents a holistic approach to repositioning and revitalizing our economy. By working together as one community, we have the ability to leverage ideas and resources.

Rock County Development Alliance
If you’re interested in expanding your Wisconsin economic development and investment perspective, contact the Rock County Development Alliance. The Alliance has a solid track record as it relates to facilitating development projects, minimizing costs, streamlining local / state regulations and packaging value-added assistance.

Illinois Small Business Development Center | Illinois
Experts, networks, tools and other opportunities transform your business into an appealing investment for lenders. That’s where success begins. We partner with well-respected business development organizations and educational institutions that work with clients who have the vision and potential to become a high-growth enterprise.

Rock County Development Alliance
Expanding Your Development and Investment Perspective……Connect with Rock County. Situated in South Central Wisconsin, Rock County is located within the Midwestern Heartland. With a diversifying economy, appealing quality of life standards and excellent natural amenities Rock County is the capital place for investing, living and working.


Practice Interview Program

BMHS Mock InterviewsA broad cross section of Beloit businesses, organizations and individual professionals volunteer their time and talents to make a direct contribution in assisting BMHS students.

For more information:

Stephanie Bailey |

The Reality Store

Every year over 400 students participate in this event that gives them a sense of fiscal responsibility.

For more information:

Aimee Thurner
Executive Director, Greater Beloit Chamber of Commerce

Career and Technical Education Fair

Beloit Memorial Career Technical Education FairThe Greater Beloit Chamber partners with BMHS and other organizations to host the Career Fair.

For more information:

Mitch Briesemeister
Beloit Memorial CTE Director

Greater Beloit Talent Pipeline Activities

Coming SoonMore information available soon.

For more information:

Aimee Thurner

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